Gallery Vinogradov, Chodowieckistr. 25





Über uns

28.11 - 12.01.2015
Vivian der Rio
Unconscious art

Opening: 28.11.14 @ 7pm.


Vivian del Rio in Berlin

Unconscious Art ©

(found art)

People write on the walls of buildings, and city governments do their best to cover up the graffiti. As a general rule, city workers assigned to the task are often in a hurry to cover up markings before big holidays or other public events. They often fail to match the paint, and use a similar one, or whatever paint is available. Then, of course, hooligans write over the fresh paint. Now these new inscriptions also need painting over, but the color is different once again. The result is a constant battle between chaos and order, art and emasculation – a struggle that gives birth to images full of picturesque power and composition dynamics that unwittingly reference the work of great artists such as Rothko, Malevich, Pollack, and others. 

This “unconscious art” is the artist’s definition of a process in which the participants do not think about art at all; they’re only goal is to do their job as quickly as possible. This documentary series of photographs proves that art exists regardless of human will and despite the surrounding circumstances.

Mi-Fr 14-19 Uhr
Sa 11-15 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung:


Chodowieckistr. 25 Berlin,10405
Copyright © 2008 Galerie Vinogradov